Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Quiz # 3 New France Geography, Economy and Industry

1.)  What is Mercantilism?

2.)  What are four limitations of Mercantilism?

3.)  When did Cartier first come to Canada?

4.) When did Champlain first come to Quebec?

5.)  What was the "economic mainstay" of New France?

6.)  What were "colonies" supposed to be used for?

7.)  Who were Radisson and Groseilliers?

8.)  What was the name of their ship?

9.)  Where did they take news of their discovery initially, and subsequently?

10.) What's the difference between how the French acquired furs and how the English did?

11.) Where did LaSalle go?

12.)  What did La Verendrye and sons do?

13.) Who were the allies of the British, and enemies of the French?

14.) Where were the British colonies located?

15.)  Name ten Industries found in New France

16.)  Name four of the inbound goods to New France

17.)  Name four of the outbound goods to New France

18.) What's another name for Isle Royale?

19.)  What did the British King give to the Hudson's Bay Company?

20.)  What's the North Atlantic Trade triangle?

Bonus: Who in class worked as a tour guide for the Nonsuch replica at the Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature?



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