Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Assignment # 4 "My Life as a Teenage Loyalist."

In this charming, historical time piece, "put yourself in their shoes" type, question and response, you the reader/student, are to tell the story of little "you" back in the days of the Loyalist Migration to Canada. The American Revolution circa 1776, motivated thousands of people loyal to Great Britain, or who were just uncertain of their place in a new"American"society, journeyed to Canada.

You, the student of history, are asked to tell of the experiences of one such teenager(much the sameas little Hannah Ingraham from the movie "Divided Loyalties") Additionally, from your own History Textbook, provide details and information of how and why the Loyalists came to Canada, and where they went, and what they found,and the significance and consequences of this historical migration.

You become the teenage Loyalist. Therefore, tell your story, of what you experienced, your impressions, and note those cool Historical details, to impress me.



Blogger David-san said...

Well Hello there Mr.Mazur!
Today's question was "Do you think that it is ethical for people to choose being cheap saving their fundings over the safety of people?" if it is then here goes my answer haha=p

To be blunt, I don't think that it is ethical at all, I mean come on! You're talking about the lives of many people! Who wants to travel on a ship, plane and etc without being ensured that they have things for emergency to keep them safe? I know I wouldn't.

On the movie "Titanic", people didn't really care about their safety because they only cared about how cheap it was to make the object they wanted, which was the huge ship "The Titanic". They were being foolishly conceited thinking "Oh, this ship won't sink it's a colossal ship that was made to contain 2000 people." something on the lines of what I just wrote. So in their complete demise they had a limit of lifeboats and didn't have enough lifeboats to save everyone. Which was the most critical error they made in judgement, because the Titanic in the end sank showing what being conceited and being cheap on buying safety items can do to people.

In conclusion Safety should be one of the top most important things in making choices and now how much the things will cost and the dent it can make in your funds.

Well that's my answer Mr.Mazur 4th period is awesome with you haha

9:47 PM  

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